12 Sept 11
All posts by bk
338 PostsReal Reality Project, Spring 2011
Google the gaggle: view Brian Kane New Sculpture Exhibitions in a larger map
Please join me at these three exhibitions this spring:
Mass MoCA
Memery Show
Opening April 2, 5-7pm
42.7022474, -73.113303
Danforth Museum of Art
123 Union Avenue
Framingham, MA 01702-8291
(508) 620-0050
42.281348, -71.4185156
Free WiFi
CAC Gallery
Opening March 14, 6 – 8 pm, through May 13, 2011
Cambridge Arts Council
344 Broadway, 2nd floor
Cambridge, MA 02139
42.3700910, -71.103361
Luminaries toast kickoff success, Real Reality Project, Feb. 2011. World News Today

Village Voice: MeatWater is Brilliant
There have been some recent reports going around the blogosphere about MeatWater, a new beverage that resembles VitaminWater but is flavored to mirror one’s favorite porcine and bovine dishes (i.e., Dirty Hot Dog Water, Wiener Schnitzel Water, Tandoori Chicken Water). What a zeitgeisty product, no? After all, bacon soda recently came to market and all things meat-related grab headlines. But seriously, food writers! Have you not been to MeatWater’s website and realized that it wasn’t an actual beverage product but a piece of performance art? AOL, how dense are you to believe that it is a real beverage company? Still, we had to learn more, so we got in touch with founder Till Krautkrämer. Guess what? MeatWater is even more awesome than we’d originally thought!
Read more: Village Voice

#1 on Reddit 1/1/11
Big thanks again to reddit.com and user kentrel for making youtubedoubler #1 on new years day.
text to speech acapella
having fun with xtranormal.com
ETC: Experimental Television Center 1969-2009
Thanks to Sherry Hocking at the Experimental Television Center for including work by David Fodel and myself in their new DVD anthology. It’s an honor to be included in this collection with such amazing artists. The massive 19 hour collection can be purchased through Electronic Arts Intermix.
ETC: Experimental Television Center 1969-2009
2009, 19 hours, b&w and color, sound, DVD
ETC: Experimental Television Center 1969-2009 is a groundbreaking compilation of electronic media work by 100 artists who have worked in the Center’s Residency Program during the last 40 years.
Stickers: Stuck-Up Piece of Crap: From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art
Stickers: Stuck-Up Piece of Crap: From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art
MeatWater™ brand High Efficiency Survival Beverage featured in this new book from Rizzoli.
Available at bookstores or buy at Amazon.com
ZER01 San Jose
Chico Macmurtrie Inflatable Architecture
Some images from the recently finished ZER01SJ Biennial, including my personal favs from the show:
OutRun – The Video Game You Actually Drive, by Garnet Hertz
Empire Drive-In, by Todd Chandler and Jeff Stark
wind coil sound flow, by Ken Gregory
Maria Del Camino, by Bruce Tomb
Thanks to Tymm Twillman and Chico Macmurtrie and everyone who helped to make this event a success.
This was the first time I used TouchOSC on an iPad to control the machines. We used TouchOSC to drive MAX/MSP which in turn drove an Arduino micro-controller. Fun stuff. iPad as portable multi-touch controller is good.

Vujak Billboard Magazine 1995
Was just sent this Google Books scan of a Billboard Magazine article on Vujak from 1995, or 3 BG (Before Google). What will they scan next?

Study for “Known Universe”
“All human evil comes from this: A man's being unable to sit still in a room." Blaise Pascal”
process study for “Known Universe” collaboration with Michael Oatman
04 Sept 10