Archives for November, 2006

59 Posts

Alien franks

Alien franks

Alien franks. Contains no meat.



Sculpture, 1994

Plaster and Antennae

Instant Classics

Instant Classics

Instant Clasics, 1995

This was an early website – very web 1.0. Instant Classics started its life as a book, but we decided to publish it instead on this new “world wide web” thing. We’ve gotten lots of great compliments on IC through the years, and it was Yahoo site of the day or some such thing way back.

Some great content, though, from people including Mark Mothersbaugh and Arthur C. Clarke.



In 1998 I met David Fodel aka devslashnull, and Brian Comerford aka E23, who had created, one of the first internet radio stations. I joined the RadioValve team as partner in 1999.

The image above is a player which I designed for one of the shows in 2000.

Radiovalve was featured in the Web Radio Book as well as a host of other publications. You can still listen to it online.

There are lots of interesting features on the site including interviews with Plaid, Terrence McKenna, Whitley Streiber, Luke Vibert, and Jonah Sharp

RadioValve is 24 Hour Techno.

Fair Use

Fair Use

Not my image, but worthy of stealing. Created by one of my students at Emerson College. Fair Use, says it all :)



Idea for a painting, 11/23/06


The sacred text

1988. Notes from the genesis of the conspriacy, Michael Oatman and Brian Kane.


My favorite painting

This was always my favorite painting, and unfortunately I never got a great picture of it. But I did get a shot of it in a panorama from 1996. I made this painting in 1998, and gave it to some friends in 1997.

  • Playing Vujak
  • VuJak

VuJak Directed Entertainment System, 1993

Ahhh. Vujak.

The first video sampler. I created VuJak with Max (from Opcode at the time, now Max/MSP) with Lisa Eisenpresser and Jay Haynes. Much fun followed.

I have many hours of video material which I will try and post in the next year or so. There are lots of good stories, too, so I will update this from time to time.

I just posted a few videos here.

There is a VuJak wikipedia page.



Music by Joshua Kit Clayton

Created with MAX/MSP Jitter, 2002

This is a music video I made shortly after Jitter was released in 2002. I had used music which was created by Josh Clayton, so I sent him a copy, and he smiled on the piece. Thanks again, Josh.

It was shown at the Raindance Film Festival in England in 2004.


UFO 1995

This is the most popular image I have ever made.

bk ev-1

General Motors EV-1

In 1996, I was hired to photograph in QuickTime VR the General Motors EV1 Electric Vehicle for, and it remained online until a few months ago (2006), when a less than positive film about the EV1 was released. I haven’t seen the film, so I can’t comment.

I also had the good fortune to drive the vehicle. The pickup was amazing, and it was utterly silent. Awesome ride.

Below are links to the QuickTime VR movies of the EV1 which I created. I have the source files, film, and video from the shoot, so someday I may create a higher resolution version of this project.

On a geek note, the QuickTime VR files for this project were assembled into a standalone application which was authored with mTropolis. Unfortunately, the presentation will no longer run on a modern Mac or PC (gotta love progress). So most of the “coolness” for that project is gone forever. But the images and animations still exist…

See EV-1 Interior

See EV-1 Exterior

Ceci n’est pas Ted Koppel

Ceci n'est pas Ted Koppel

Ceci n’est pas Ted Koppel, 1991
part of an occasional series with Michael Oatman
