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Fine Fueling Interview | KZST Sonoma County’s Radio Station 11/05/08
YouTube Doubler has been getting a good deal of traffic lately, so I put together the following top 49 list based on Google Analytics data for 12 months ending Nov. 9 2008. Enjoy, and thanks to all the site visitors.
2 Metal Gear Solid 3 vs John McCain
3 Final Fantasy VII vs 2 Girls 1 Cup Best Reaction
4 Saving Private Ryan vs ichael Jackson Sims2
6 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. vs Justin Timberlake
10 Me, crying vs The end of Louis Pan
11 (This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.) vs Chinese MC Hammer
12 To All Atheist onYouTube vs Imagine
13 El mudo – Chacarron Macarron vs El mudo – Chacarron Macarron
14 Fat dog just wants to keep on rolling vs Atheist Wisdom
15 Techno viking del zodiaco vs Laughing Baby
17 Where there’s a whip, there’s a way vs Kunta Kinte
18 Nine Inch Nails vs Super Mario Sunshine
19 Nine Inch Nails vs Super Mario Sunshine
20 Lost demoniusx vidlog vs Requiem for a Dream
22 I Walked on the Sidewalk vs NAS
24 Miller Park Sausage Race vs Jimmy Dean Sausage Complaint Call
25 Chiz gets owned by the king of youtube vs Tracks of Tears
26 Meor 1 vs Dote up a Cat Intro
27 9/11 NEVAR FORGET vs (This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by a third party.)
29 Kairi and Selphie Dance vs Throwing Fire
31 (This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.) vs USSR Anthem
32 Start Trek vs Charmiliionaire
33 UUF AAG WAIIY UUGH vs DMX vs Ghostbusters
34 Funny Cats vs Laughing Baby
35 The greatest video on Earth… EVER vs 2 Girls1 Cup Worst Reaction
36 Jackie Chan vs Benny the Jet vs Final Fantasy VII
37 World’s Most Amazing Musical Instrument vs Matthias Loibner
38 Food Fight vs Special Poetry Slam
39 ME TELLIN YOU MOTHA FUCKAS OFF v s Mad Cat (Burgers and Fries)
41 Princess Diana vs Right Said Fred
42 Goat yelling like a man vs Meor 1
43 No More Heroes vs Star Wars Kid
44 ?? / STREET FIGHTER EX Plus "ZANGIEF" Ending vs Everyday I’m Hustlin
46 True Colors vs Pretty Spectacular
47 CWC’s Second Message vs Max Payne 2
48 Crimson Tide vs John McCain
Nov. 9 2008