All posts tagged santa

2 Posts

The Leisure Channel

Busted out some of the old 3/4″ tapes from The Leisure Channel and digitized them for your viewing pleasure. These were produced for public access in New York and Los Angeles between 1987 and 1993. Some zany stuff – here are a few choice nuggets.

In many ways much of what we were doing here has become “real” on the web, in particular the “All Talk” Show, which was just people talking and telling stories – not unlike what much of YouTube has become. And KTV – the 24 hour karoake channel. Seemed wacky then. Not any more.

“I before e, except as in leisure.”


Santa off the wagon

This is a still from a 1990 special edition of The Leisure Channel. If only you knew who the actor is that is playing santa! Unfortunately, thats our secret, since that actor has gone on to have a very successful career as a comic on a popular sitcom. So we don’t want to make any problems there :)
